Publications & Preprints


My Google Scholar profile is here.

Note: *,** indicate equal contributions.

A mechanistic model of gossip, reputations, and cooperation
Mari Kawakatsu*, Taylor A. Kessinger*, Joshua B. Plotkin
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121(20):e2400689121 (2024)
[PNAS] [arXiv] [Penn Today]

When do stereotypes undermine indirect reciprocity?
Mari Kawakatsu*, Sebastián Michel-Mata*, Taylor A. Kessinger, Corina E. Tarnita, Joshua B. Plotkin
PLOS Computational Biology, 20(3):e1011862 (2024)
[PLoS Comp. Biol.] [Penn Today]

Tuning cooperative behavior in games with nonlinear opinion dynamics
Shinkyu Park, Anastasia Bizyaeva, Mari Kawakatsu, Alessio Franci, Naomi E. Leonard
IEEE Control Systems Letters, 6:2030–2035 (2022)
[L-CSS] [arXiv]

Interindividual cooperation mediated by partisanship complicates Madison’s cure for ‘mischiefs of faction’
Mari Kawakatsu, Yphtach Lelkes, Simon A. Levin, Corina E. Tarnita
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(50):e2102148118 (2021)

Emergence of hierarchy in networked endorsement dynamics
Mari Kawakatsu*, Philip S. Chodrow*, Nicole Eikmeier*, Daniel B. Larremore
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(16):e2015188118 (2021)
[PNAS] [arXiv]

Commentary: Simon DeDeo, Elizabeth A. Hobson. From equality to hierarchy. PNAS, 118(21):e2106186118 (2021). [PNAS]

Response thresholds alone cannot explain empirical patterns of division of labor in social insects
Yuko Ulrich*, Mari Kawakatsu*, Christopher K. Tokita, Vikram Chandra, Jonathan Saragosti, Corina E. Tarnita**, Daniel J. C. Kronauer**
PLOS Biology, 19(6):e3001269 (2021)
[PLoS Biol.] [bioRxiv]

Causal unit of rotors in a cardiac system
Hiroshi Ashikaga, Francisco P. Castrillo, Mari Kawakatsu, Nima Dehghani
Frontiers in Physics, 6:30 (2018)
[Front. Phys.] [arXiv]

Morphology and the color-mass diagram as clues to galaxy evolution at z~1
Meredith C. Powell, C. Megan Urry, Caroline N. Cardamone, Brooke Simmons, Kevin Schawinski, Sydney Young, Mari Kawakatsu
The Astrophysical Journal, 835(1):22 (2017)
[Astrophys. J.] [arXiv]